Listening Music while Coding

Listening Music while Coding

Okay, so before I start, I would confess that I don't listen to music for greater concentration, in fact listening music distracts me a lot more, but listening music keep me away from other noises which include sound from Television, someone talking on the phone etc.

So, I just thought of sharing with you my playlist. Not to mention, these are my preference so feel free to share your playlist in the comments.

  1. Interstellar Instrumental Ever since I came across this 1-hour long art-piece of Hans Zimmer, it's my go-to music for any important task.

  2. Inception Instrumental Talking about Interstellar, how can we forget to mention Inception. Another art piece by Hans Zimmer. I literally listen to the two in the loop.

  3. Batman Trilogy Soundtrack "Why do we fall, Bruce?"

  4. The Score Looking for some adrenaline booster and out of stock for Red Bull? Checkout The Score's youtube playlist and you would realise they really need some serious attention. Some of my recomendation: a) Stonger b) Unstoppable c) Born for this

These were my preference. What are yours? Tell us in the comments.

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